About The Icons
The Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes guild of The Icons is a strong growing guild with active members and mostly daily players. Active officers. Enthusiastic and well mannered members. A goal of 26K daily tickets exists for the guild, we often do 24K+. Many of our guild members generate 600 tickets each day. As of the end of July 2018, USA Pacific Time, the Guild Power was about 95M (95,000,000), but rising faster than updates can be done to this site. The guild has members from around the world, ranging from USA, all parts of Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa. The guild communicates via the game's line chat, and the mandatory external chat of Discord. Upon request (using site's contact form), initial contact can be made with other chats, but those chats will not be a primary usage of external chat. Other than Discord chat, the other chat/communications apps/softwares are LINE, and Kik. Official website of The Icons is TheIcons.whw1.com. Please scroll down to read about our guild policies, raid schedules, and rules.
Join The Guild
We are seeking daily players who are 85 Level, at least 1.8M (1,800,000) Power, and able to generate at least a weekly daily average of 450 tickets (an example is when a player generates 600 tickets most days, and on a couple days does much less, then the results is still at least 450 per day average, which should be doable by any active free player). Guild requirements for ticket generation, and involvement in Raids, and Territory Battles, and Territory Wars are waived/suspended for members that give notice ahead of time that they are going to vacation, on a trip, or have an emergency. If you have not already read our About Guild page, please do. You may want to take a look at the Guild Policies and Raid Rules sections on the About page.
As a guild member it is now required to have a Discord account (chat & organizational system) and an account on this website too (guild docs, guides, swgoh news, updates, calendars, pics, videos, schedules, votes/surveys, shared content, and visible to guild members).
Joining Method 1 (preferred)
Submit your Ally Code in the form below, and optionally you can provide your email address to allow us to easily communicate back and coordinate your move. Upon submission, an officer will be informed of your request. Involves the least wait time. To locate your Ally Code, please see here.
Joining Method 2
An alternative method to submitting your Ally Code above is to use one of our member's Ally Code. You can use the Ally Code of 751-458-388 to become an ally with a member of the guild, but there is no way for us to know if you are asking to become an ally in order to become a guild member; If we see there is no guild currently associated with your profile, this gives us a clue. You can also use the Contact Us page form of this site to initiate communication. Using the Method 1 is the quickest and preferred way to make us aware that you want to join, and if you optionally provide your email contact, then we can communicate quickly about it and coordinate your move so you do not lose out on any existing event/raid rewards.
Joining Method 3
From within the Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes game search guilds for "icons" until you see "The icons" with our green colored logo, and join from there if at the moment the guild is open and allowing joining via that method. We sometimes close the guild and joining is only by invite or at the very least after we have reviewed your game profile.
Raid Info
Raid Rules

The Pit
1) 1st 24 hours, Join Only-Zero Damage.
1.1) Upon start, for first 24 hours, only joining allowed without ability to attack.
1.2) You may do recorded damage attacks once timer is less than "1 Day". Attacks that generate recorded raid damage (attacks to middle pig) are allowed once the raid countdown timer shows less than 1 day (less than 24 hours).
2) Attack with only characters of theme selected by last winner.
2.1) Last winner selects theme for raid, which means the kind of characters that are allowed to be used are determined by the last winner.
These rules are chosen to help all levels of players while trying to keep the competition for The Pit raid rewards fair, and keeping the raid from completing in less than 10 minutes and giving a chance for members from around the world to join in on pit attacks.

Tank Takedown
1) 1st 24 hours, Join Only-Zero Damage.
1.1) Upon start, for first 24 hours, only joining allowed without ability to attack.
1.2) You may do recorded damage attacks once timer is less than "1 Day". Attacks that generate recorded raid damage (damage to center character or tank's main/center gun) are allowed once the raid countdown timer shows less than 1 day (less than 24 hours).
2) Follow Outlined Attack Process Described in TT Raids Guide.
2.1) Follow the outlined process for when and which guild members attack during each phase of the Heroic Tank Takedown to ensure completion of the HTT. Tank Takedown Raids Guide.
These rules are chosen to help all levels of players while trying to keep things fair and ensure completion of a raid.

The Sith Triumvirate
1) No Wait.
1.1) Players may begin recorded damage attacks as soon as this raid begins.
2) Follow Outlined Attack Process Described in TST Raids Guide.
2.1) Follow the outlined process for when and which guild members attack during each phase of the The Sith Triumvirate raid to ensure completion of the TST. The Sith Triumvirate Raids Guide.
These rules are chosen to help all levels of players while trying to keep things fair and ensure completion of a raid.
Raid Schedules
Approximately 14 raids are done every 12 days. The only raids done are Heroic The Pit (7*TP/HTP); and Heroic Tank Takedown (HTT/HAAT/7*TT); and 3* and 4* The Sith Triumvirate (3*TST/3*Sith Raid, 4*TST/4*Sith Raid).
The Pit raids start at 6 PM PDT/9 PM EST once it becomes available. Refer to the Pit Raid Rules.
Tank Takedown raids start at 6 PM PDT/ 9 PM EST. Refer to the Tank Takedown Rules.
The Sith Triumvirate raids start as soon as one becomes available. This can be at any hour, since often as soon as one is finished, we have enough tickets to immediately start another TST raid, otherwise it will get started near 8:30 PM EST (5:30 PST/4:30 PDT PM); tolerance of +1 hour. Not an exact time and best effort by guild officers. Please review the TST Rules.
Guild Policies
- Chat awareness is required. All members are welcomed and encouraged to post to our chat and forum/bulletin-board.
- Respectful communication. Respectful communication at all times, even when disagreement exists and during idea discussions.
- 18 year age requirement. New members are required to be 18 years and older. Existing members are exempt from this policy.
- Amglish/English is preferred. Amglish/English is not a requirement, but it is preferred as it makes communication a lot easier, but if we are made aware, we are able to post in multiple languages for important notifications.
- Best effort required. Members must do their best to be active daily and generate a daily average of 450 tickets per week.
- Absence without notice is cause for removal. If absent for more than 2 days without notice, then a warning is sent via chat and/or email. If absent member does not take action or communicate back to resolve within 3 days after the sent warning, then absent member will be considered for removal. If no method of communication exists for absent member, then removal can occur at any time without a 3 day warning wait period; however, officers are encouraged to wait at least 5 days. If an extension is not gotten by the end of the 3 Days Warning period, then member can be removed from guild. A mandatory removal exists for 10 days of absence without communication. Communication attempts must be made by officers before any removal occurs. An exception might be possible for extreme circumstances or things we have not considered. Very low level players are given less tolerance. High level players and long time guild members might get more tolerance.
- Breaking Rules or Extended Absence with no communication are grounds for removal. We do not like removing members unless no communication exits along with extended absence or recurring breaking of rules.
- Growth and Guild Keep-up required. Flexibility and care exists for our members, and we want to grow stronger as a team and thus all members need to grow consistently, and keep up with the guild growth.
- Territory Battle involvement required. All members must participate in Territory Battles unless advance notice given of their absence.
- HTT (HAAT) participation required. All members are required to participate in the Heroic Tank Takedown raid. Members should simply do their best to participate on all raids in order to get rewards and grow (even for a busy person, a single raid attack take can take less than 5 minutes).
- No offensive statements, "bad"/Profanity/Curse/Cuss words allowed anywhere on this website or within game chat. This includes website's pages, chat, posts, blogs, and forums, and similar. Required by WHW1.com website hosting service.
- Territory War (TW) participation is required upon joining TW. If you join Territory Wars, then you must participate by doing defense and/or offense to the maximum possible by you. In other words, you are not required to join TW, but if you do, then full participation is mandatory.
- Indicate absence on discord chat or site Absence Calendar. Any kind of absence notice (vacation, emergency, trip, etc.) must be placed within the guild's Absence Notification channel on our Discord chat or post to the Absence Calendar on this website (calendar coming; not available yet).